Review: The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit by Seth Godin

The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit by Seth Godin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Blaise Pascal once wrote that that if he had more time he would have written a shorter letter. I always get that feeling whe1n I read books and blog posts written by Seth Godin. Godin’s writing is consistently concise and always packs a punch. The Dip is no different where Godin states plainly that being the best in the world is seriously underrated and that if you’re not going to get to #1 then you may as well quit now. The book challenges the schooling process in that being well rounded is the secret to success versus focusing on one thing that complements your strengths (Think GE during the Jack Welch era). Seth uses the analogy of the dip in focused work which correlates both results and effort. It is a 80 page book well worth reading to put your life and career into perspective; as only Godin could do.
Three key takeaways from the book:
1. We live in competitive world therefore adversity is definitely your ally. Think about it this way, the harder things get, the more you can insulate yourself from your competition. Yet adversity can also cause you to quit and you then lose
2. You can quit. That is rededication by getting invigorated in a new strategy
3. Winners understand that pain now is better than more pain later