The Algebra of Happiness: Finding the Equation for a Life Well Lived by Scott Galloway

My Rating of “The Algebra of Happiness: Finding the Equation for a Life Well Lived” by Scott Galloway: 10 / 10
It’s rare for me to give a book a 10 out of 10 rating. The reason is how this book spoke to me where others don’t. These are words that the world desperately needs to be heard today. Galloway provides them in his typical matter of fact style.
Whilst this was written a few years ago the world today is less content (or happy), more depressed and going through a rough ride economically. The question we all ask is how do we get happier and maintain a habit of thinking more positively and being happy for what we have. Whether it is success, love and/or meaning there are a number of tips, tricks, stories and perspectives from the author that you can think about.
I’ve read this book a few times and come back to it again and again because it helps put things in perspective. Perhaps this is the book you want to re-read at the beginning of the year to get the best start you can and ride the wave. Perhaps it is a new job, relationship or issue you’re dealing with. Either way, there is something each and everyone of us can learn. I really enjoy what Scott Galloway writes. He comes with a personality but behind this he is a great thinker and someone who wants to give back.
Three key takeaways from the book:
- The most important decision you can make is the partner you choose for the rest of your life.
- Luck is about where you were born in the world. For example if you were born in the US, UK, Australia (three places I’ve spent most of my life) you will have a head start compared with the rest of the world. Galloway uses the formula: credentials + zip code = money
- Speaking of formulas, he refers to success being resilience over failure. How determined, focused are you on your goals to the finish line.