Review: World War Z by Max Brooks

World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Hate to admit it but I am one of those people that really enjoyed World War Z at the cinema. It gave me the motivation I needed to pick up the book at some point in the future. It had Brad Pitt, a decent enough plot, rave reviews from the readers of the book and obviously Zombies! Whilst the movie impressed me, the book didn’t blow me away. Given I listened to the audiobook I was able to get an different angle on the story and characters versus if I had read it page by page. The plethora of well known actors/actresses that were voiceovers were both vast and incredible. That was really one aspect of the book that I quite liked. In saying that I felt the story line was a little slow in the beginning. Given the book is essentially a large number of interviews with various people across the world it took time and focus to start to piece story together. That was probably one of the disadvantages for me given that I’m walking or doing something that requires a low amount of focus/concentration. Consequently I may not have had 100% focus on what I was listening to and missed some of the pieces. Suffice to say it is very well compiled yet without the closure that I feel would have been required.