Practice what you preach

I had an amazing experience this afternoon…….

Last week I completed Seth Godin’s book “What to do what it’s your turn”. Typically, I write a hand written thank you note to the author(s) (the ones still alive) who have inspired me or where I have just learned an idea that I can use in the future. I mentioned what I have found important and inspiring as well as asking the author(s) to keep doing what they do. In this instance I wrote an email to Seth as I couldn’t locate his mailing address. What’s surprised me is that within seventeen minutes Seth personally responded to my email.

For those that know Seth Godin, he has written many books, spoken at many conferences (e.g. Ted) and writes his blog every day (you can follow his blog here). The blog is something that I have read for quite some time I continue to be blown away by his wisdom and thought process.

Seth certainly embodies the phrase “practice what you preach,” and he is a touch act to follow. However I’m going to try!