Brad Revell

Brad Revell

Review: Dream Team: How Michael, Magic, Larry, Charles, and the Greatest Team of All Time Conquered the World and Changed the Game of Basketball Forev

Review: Dream Team: How Michael, Magic, Larry, Charles, and the Greatest Team of All Time Conquered the World and Changed the Game of Basketball Forev

[] Dream Team: How Michael, Magic, Larry, Charles, and the Greatest Team of All
2 min read
Review: Pyramid Principle Present Your Thinking So Clearly That the Ideas Jump Off the Page and into the Reader's Mind

Review: Pyramid Principle Present Your Thinking So Clearly That the Ideas Jump Off the Page and into the Reader's Mind

[] Pyramid Principle Present Your Thinking So Clearly That the Ideas Jump Off the
1 min read
Review: The Primal Connection: Follow Your Genetic Blueprint to Health and Happiness

Review: The Primal Connection: Follow Your Genetic Blueprint to Health and Happiness

[] The Primal Connection: Follow Your Genetic Blueprint to Health and Happiness [http://www.
2 min read
Review: Power Forward: My Presidential Education

Review: Power Forward: My Presidential Education

[] Power Forward: My Presidential Education [] by
2 min read
Review: Debt: The First 5,000 Years

Review: Debt: The First 5,000 Years

[] Debt: The First 5,000 Years []
1 min read
Review: Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger

Review: Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger

[] Poor Charlie’s Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger, Expanded
2 min read
Review: The Three Value Conversations: How to Create, Elevate, and Capture Customer Value at Every Stage of the Long-Lead Sale

Review: The Three Value Conversations: How to Create, Elevate, and Capture Customer Value at Every Stage of the Long-Lead Sale

[] The Three Value Conversations: How to Create, Elevate, and Capture Customer Value at
2 min read
Review: The News: A User's Manual by Alain de Botton

Review: The News: A User's Manual by Alain de Botton

[] The News: A User’s Manual []
1 min read
Review: The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton

Review: The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton

[] The Art of Travel [] by Alain
2 min read
Review: The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures by Dan Roam

Review: The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures by Dan Roam

[] The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures [http:
1 min read